Coco Chanel once said,”A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” This is quite an extreme statement, but I must say that I love perfume. I think it’s so cool that a scent can change your mood or bring back a specific memory.
One very important thing to remember about perfume is that there is definitely such a thing as too much of it! You don’t want to smell like you poured a whole bottle on, so control is key. Stick to just one or two spritzes of perfume so you don’t overdo it. With body mists, you can spray two or three spritzes into the air and then walk through it. Being aware of how much you’re putting on will make wearing perfume more of a pleasant and subtle thing rather than something that annoys or irritates those around you.
These are a few of my current favorite scents that I own, but the two I probably wear the most are Big Pony #3 and Twirl. I tend carry a rollerball of Big Pony #3 with me in my makeup bag for the days on which I forget to put on perfume or if the scent I had on earlier has worn off.
1. Ralph Lauren Romance
4. Ralph Lauren Big Pony #3
5. Coach Poppy
6. Kate Spade Twirl
Do you have a signature or favorite perfume?