As a Chi Omega, the philanthropy that is nearest and dearest to my heart is Make-a-Wish, but I am also very lucky to have had the chance to support many other organizations and their respective philanthropies on my campus. That being said, Sigma Chi Derby Days supports the Huntsman Cancer Institute which is another cause that is very important to me. I have both friends and family members who have directly fought cancer as well as countless people in my life who have been touched by cancer at some point. As scary as it is, cancer affects all of us.

I haven chosen to participate in fundraising for the Huntsman Cancer Institute once again this year as a way honor the many people I know who have had to fight cancer and as a way to support finding a cure. If you are able to donate even a dollar, please consider doing so, as this organization is absolutely amazing and what they hope to accomplish cannot be done without our support.
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