This is my 503rd post…!
They say that time flies when you’re having fun, and that certainly
has rung true for me as a blogger! That being said, Bowtiful Life may seem like all fun, monograms, glitter, and games from one side of the screen, but it’s also a lot of work! Before becoming a blogger, I had no idea as to just how much work went into running a blog. The whole “behind the curtain” aspect of blogging (ie: HTML coding, site design, CSS, copy editing, etc.) that goes into maintaining and creating a website ended up being much more extensive than I ever could have imagined. These minor “behind the scenes” things, which stressed me out to no end when I first started Bowtiful Life, have now become only minor blips on my radar as I tackle different and new aspects of blogging on a daily basis. I love learning new tricks and skills!

Now, I cannot even attempt to count the number of times I’ve skipped out on some extra sleep at night or gotten up a bit earlier in the morning to respond to emails, plan posts, shoot videos &/or photos, and write blog posts. To be honest with you, it is all so incredibly worth it.
All this hard work, time, and effort that I’ve put in, for almost four years now, has been so worth it and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Thanks to the endless support I’ve received, I’ve been able to create and maintain something that I can be ridiculously proud of and I’ve been able to approach every situation and small (or big) problem wholeheartedly, headfirst, and with a positive attitude.
As Frank Lloyd Wright said…
“You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having”
In passing this milestone, I’d like to thank all of YOU! You, my readers, my “lovelies,” are such an amazing support system! Whether you’ve been reading since I first started typing out posts back in high school, or if you’ve just recently discovered Bowtiful Life: thank you for following along and for supporting me! You guys are honestly the best and I’m so grateful for each and every one of you!
Here’s to 500+ posts and to the many milestones to come!