Happy 2016, lovelies! It’s a brand new year and that means that I’m going to have to remind myself for the next month or so to write “/16” at the end of anything I date, rather than “/15.” Who else will be riding that struggle bus with me?
2015 was a year of ups and downs. My family experienced the loss of some beloved friends and loved ones, which was incredibly difficult, but the positives of this past year truly outweighed the negatives. It was truly an amazing year! I met remarkable people, visited Teen Vogue in NYC, learned more about myself, started a new job, took some big steps with the blog, I explored the city I love, and so much more.
But most importantly,
I took more chances.
By taking more chances and giving myself opportunities to be spontaneous, I had the time of my life! I created countless memories with amazing friends, went for late night drives blasting music, danced without caring if anyone was watching me, and truly gave myself a shot at living life with “no regrets.” I can say with 100% honesty that I lived this year to the fullest and I have zero regrets for 2015.
If you find yourself saying “I’ll do that some day…” or “I’ll get around it it eventually…” at any point this year, stop yourself and ask the question:
“If not now, when?”
2016 gives each of us a fresh slate, a chance to start over and look at life in a new light and from a different angle. Take more chances, dance more dances. Give yourself the chance to be spontaneous this year and see where life leads you. You never know what you’ll find or what adventures might be waiting for you right around the corner! ♥