Sometimes life doesn’t happen exactly the way you plan it, and that’s okay! (Especially if you find yourself at a Cubs game you decided to go to an hour before it started… Like in the photo above!) I’m excited to bring back my Wisdom Wednesday series, by starting off with the topic of spontaneity! (This post is up few days late due to some website issues, but we’re back up and running. So, happy Friday!)
“The best things happen unexpectedly”
I’m not going to lie. I am a MAJOR planner and have the tendency to be a bit Type A when it comes to my calendar and having everything coordinated ahead of time.
However, most things in life don’t work out 100% as expected 100% of the time. This can definitely put me in a stressful headspace if I let it get to me, which is why I do my best to embrace going with the flow! I used to joke (while also being slightly serious) that if it wasn’t in my planner, it wasn’t happening. I was never too happy if something that I’d planned got cancelled or if something was added super last minute. In these situations, I wasn’t great at accepting spontaneity and there were definitely times where my stubbornness kept me from what could have been fun experiences.
In high school and the beginning of college, I was used to my recurring schedule of dance, school, and homework. As my life changed and new commitments and people cycled in and out of my life, I learned to go with the flow. Especially in the last five years or so, I’ve seen a major change in how I go about making plans and accepting last minute opportunities and spontaneity with open arms.
By learning to accept last minute changes to plans, I’ve had some awesome experiences and met some great people. For example, when I first started attending blog events I would never do anything afterwards. I’d just go home, because that was my “plan”. Then I started sticking around longer and making an effort to connect more with the people I’d met that night. Sometimes that happened by “continuing the party” at another location and taking more time to chat with these people. Through situations like these, I’ve connect with so many more people in my industry and made some amazing friends!
In general, being spontaneous makes life much more exciting! It presents you with the opportunity to meet new people, try new things, discover new spots in your city, and just have fun!
How do you embrace spontaneity in your life?
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