Today is my 8 Year Blogiversary! Yep, Bowtiful Life turned EIGHT years old today!!!
It is absolutely insane to look back at how a passion project I started in 2012 as a junior in my high school computer has grown into what it is today. I am so grateful for all of the incredible opportunities that my blog has brought me!
Thanks to my blog I’ve met some of my very best friends, worked with brands I never dreamed of partnering with, gone on amazing press trips (I have another one scheduled for March!), attended some of the coolest events, and so SO much more. I honestly can’t imagine what my life would be like now without blogging and Bowtiful Life!
Be sure to pop on over to my IGTV to see the quick little sit down video I made for you guys No filter, no editing, just me talking to you and frankly being more vulnerable than I’ve ever been on my social media before.
Thank you for being a part of this beautiful bowtiful life of mine. I am BEYOND grateful for all of your love and support over these last few years. I am so excited to see what year nine has in store! Happy 8 year blogiversary to us!

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