Happy Friday, friends! I hope you’re all staying healthy during this crazy time. This is actually my first Friday Five post of 2020! Sending you all virtual hugs right now! Please enjoy the latest edition of Bowtiful Life’s Friday Five.

1. Nespresso Newbie
It’s official, I’m a Nespresso newbie! Sadly, this week, my Keurig decided to die on me after a solid, multi-year run. BUT, that meant that I was finally able order a Nespresso machine!!! Even better, I had it in-hand after less than 24 hours. (Shoutout to the amazing peeps at Abt!) After years of considering, I bit the bullet because finally had a reason to. I got the Nespresso VertuoPlus Deluxe in black as well as an Aerrocino3 milk frother.
For those of you who have or use Nespresso machines, let me know what your favorite pods are because I need to order some! My machine came with a 12 pack of different pods to try, but I need to decide which to put in an order for! A bunch of places have Nespresso machines on sale right now, so if you’ve been considering getting one, now’s not a bad time!
2. Supporting Small, Local & Online Businesses
My dear friend and fellow Chicago blogger, Kylie, shared a great post on her blog this week about supporting small, local and online businesses. Check it out HERE!
3. H&M’s New Conscious Exclusive Collection

H&M recently launched a new Conscious Exclusive collection and is is gorgeous! I love the variety of blues combined with classic neutral tones and fun silhouettes. My personal faves are this dress, these earrings, this swimsuit and this scarf.
4. TikTok
Social distancing really got to me last week… I already had a TikTok, but thanks to self-quarantine I’ve started posting a lot more on there. I actually posted my first dance on there last week. (Yikes!) If you need a laugh check it out HERE.
5. You Can Quote That

Quotes are one of my favorite things to browse through on Pinterest! I came across this one recently and found it powerful with everything that’s going on. Even through all this uncertainty, we have oh so very much to be grateful for!