I am committed to using my platform, my voice and my actions to continue to show support and ally Black Lives Matter as well as important issues relating to social justice, human rights and mental health. I haven’t discussed these topics on Bowtiful Life enough (really, at all) in the past. That being said, this is long overdue.
Bowtiful Life is and will remain a fashion and lifestyle blog. However, these important topics will be brought into the dialogue and related content will live within the lifestyle portion of my website. The goal here isn’t “going back to normal.” The goal is to grow and provide further support, both personally and professionally.
Below are some of the specific ways in which I plan to do better, but these are just a start!
Steps I’m Taking to Do Better Moving Forward
Speak Up
I promise to speak more openly about important issues such as human rights, social justice and mental health. I know that I will make mistakes as I navigate discussing and sharing these topics. However, I am committed to listening and not getting defensive when I’m told that I’ve made a mistake. I am prepared to learn from these mistakes to avoid repeating them in the future.
Put My Money Where My Mouth Is
I’m not sharing this for an “atta girl” or a pat on the back. I share this because I challenge you to do that same! If you’ve posted this week about Black Lives Matter on your social media, but haven’t donated, please consider opening your wallet and doing so. (Even if you haven’t posted, I still encourage you to donate!)
To start, I’ve set up a recurring, monthly donation to a Black-led, Chicago-based organization: True Star Foundation. “True Star Foundation’s mission is to improve the lives of youth by exposing them to real-world experiences in the workforce through the development of their own media and being an intricate part of the strategic direction and overall business operations of the True Star organization.”
As an influencer, this is an important one. Moving forward, I will pay closer attention to the diversity and inclusivity of a brand BEFORE choosing to work with them. I will be vocal and say something if I see this missing. I will also ask them to do better and decline to work with them until they do.
After this week, I think that we can all agree that we need to do a better job of listening to the Black community and frankly, listening in general. Many influencers, myself included, put our personal and self-serving content on “pause” or “mute” this week. However, we need to continue listening as we move forward. I promise to do a better job of listening with open ears and an open heart.
I promise to confront and call out racism when I witness it. It’s just not acceptable. Period.
Educate Myself & Do The Work
I have a LOT of learning to do and plenty of my own biases and habits to grow out of. It is my responsibility to find and consume these resources myself rather than asking my Black friends or Black influencers to do that work for me.
I will continue to share resources with my audience, friends and family. I just published a compilation of resources and content (linked here) that I’ve personally found helpful as a white person allying the Black Lives Matter movement. By no means am I an expert on this subject, but I am committed to sharing and learning from those who are while giving them the appropriate credit. I will also be adding to this list over time as I am introduced to additional resources.
If you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed by the amount of information circulating right now, this list is just one place to start. I personally found the information that I included helpful, so I thought I’d share in the hope that it can help at least one of you too.
Reflecting on This Week
It has been absolutely incredible to see so many people showing up and showing support for Black Lives Matter, both on social media and in real life over the past week. This has been an eye-opening time to say the very least and I am SO grateful for all of the voices that have shown support and the resources that have been shared. This week was powerful and oh so very needed and overdue. That being said, these conversations, intentions and actions need to continue moving forward. This doesn’t end here.
I am cautiously optimistic that we have a chance to make a real change this time, but there is still so much work to be done. Over the next few weeks, the hashtags will fade and our social media feeds will start to go back to “normal.”
BUT, this is not over and I hope that we all continue to show up and provide support for Black Lives Matter.
Please know that my DMs and email are always open. I’m happy to chat and act as a sounding board should you need one. I’m so grateful for all of you being a part of the Bowtiful Life community. I look forward to this space continuing to be one where all feel welcome, heard and supported.
I hope you take time to reflect on this past week with me and commit to doing better as well.
Sending love, support & virtual hugs.