If you ever read the the “Clique” books by Lisi Harrison, then you may remember the main character, Massie, and her “State of The Union” lists. In other words, ins & outs lists featuring what she considered to be “in” and what she considered to be “out.” These lists could also be found in the magazines that I read as a teenager, talking about trends. Ins & outs lists have recently been recirculating and trending across social media, so I decided to put together my own for 2024!
– My Ins & Outs for 2024 –
IN for 2024
Saying No to Plans When I’m Feeling Stressed or Overbooked: I absolutely love being social and attending events, but sometimes I sign myself up for more than I should. In 2024 I want to be more mindful of my social battery. I’ll create more opportunities for rest while still making time for the special moments that this year has in store.
One-Line-a-Day Journaling: I got this journal to help me keep track of daily happenings and milestones. Each page is dedicated to one day where you write down a short note or thought for that year. The journal lasts for five years, so I’ll get to look back and revisit memories from past years as I journal on that day in the future.
Game Nights at Home: Having friends over for wine and a chill game night has become one of my favorite ways to spend an evening! Some of our current favorite games are Gin, Shut the Box, and Pass the Pigs! (We have the party pigs and use them for both the original game and the party version of the game.)
Wedding Planning (!!!): 2025 feels so far away, but there’s so much to get done before then! I’m very grateful that we have a significant amount of time for budgeting, researching, DIY-ing, etc.
Mindful Eating vs. Restriction: For me, this means eating what I want in moderation vs. telling myself that I straight up shouldn’t or can’t eat something.
Weekly Budget Tracking: As one can imagine, this goes hand-in-hand with wedding planning. I also want to be more intentional with spending in general this year.
Posting for Fun vs. Validation: Over the last year and a half or so, I haven’t had the same level of enjoyment when it comes to creating and posting content. Some of this has been due to outside factors. However, I know that self-comparison on social media and seeking validation has definitely impacted this for me as well. In 2024 I’m excited to post content without worrying how it’s going to be perceived or potentially judged by others.
Finding Opportunity in Moments of Disappointment or Frustration: This means not only looking for the silver linings, but also acknowledging and having a sense of gratitude for those opportunities.
Work Life Balance: I think that this one speaks for itself. 😉

OUT for 2024
One-Way Relationships: All relationships should be two-way streets.
Procrastinating: I’ve definitely had moments where I get into a procrastination paralysis when it comes to doing something important. When this happens, it’s usually because I’m afraid that I won’t do something well enough. As a result, I get nervous about accomplishing that task and I leave it until the last minute. This always creates unnecessary stress for myself, so I want to leave that feeling and practice in 2023!
Undervaluing My Time & Work: Time is money & I want to make the most of my time in 2024.
Overthinking/Mentally Replaying Social Interactions the Day After an Event: I am SO guilty of this and I think it’s going to be one of the hardest “outs” for me to breakup with. I’ve talked with so many friends who struggle with this too, which makes me feel a bit better. There’s nothing worse than ruminating on or overthinking conversations and interactions you had the night before… for literally no reason. On many occasions I’ve created a space for negativity and have said mean things to myself. These typically range from: “Why did I say that?” to “They probably think I’m annoying because I talked about xyz for too long.” Long story short, IT’S REALLY NOT THAT DEEP. Let. It. Go. (Plus, that conversation that you’re replaying was probably only a blip on that person’s radar for the night.)
Overspending on Going Out: Going out for a night in Chicago can get really expensive if you’re not being mindful of cost! In 2024, I’m still going out, but I probably won’t order that extra $17 cocktail.
Saying Sorry Too Much: This one is a forever “out” for me.
Not Mentally Logging Off: Balance is important & you can’t have true work life balance if you’re never mentally logging off.
Waiting for the “Right” Time: It may sound cheesy, but there really is no such thing as a perfect or right time for everything. Sometimes you just have to dive in!
Self-Comparison: This goes hand-in-hand with my “in” and talking about posting on social media. Self-comparison can see itself out for 2024!

– Outfit Details –
Sézane: Orchidea Dress ℅ // Dream Pairs: Chunky High Heel Ankle Booties // Heirloom Signet Ring (Similar styles available here and here.) // David Yurman: Cable Bangles one, two, & three // Nonsense: Super Opaque Tights // Kendra Scott: Lisa Pendant Necklace // American Pearl: 6mm Grace Earrings (Similar style here.) // Celine: Nano Luggage Leather Handbag

What are your ins & outs for 2024?