Today's post is in response to one of the requests I received a few weeks ago. One of you lovely readers said, "A post about what's on your iPod would be sweet!" So, I'm going to share the various kinds of playlists I have on my iPod as well as the top three most played songs on each of them.My iPod via InstagramThese are the playlists I currently have on my iPod:AcousticThis playlist is pretty self-explanatory, all the songs on here are originally acoustic …
Friday Five
1. I've been loving Hunter Hayes's new song "I Want Crazy." 2. via Instagram This week has been so unusual! Monday there was no school, Tuesday was normal, then Wednesday was a late start as well as decade day. Seniors were assigned the 80s'! There were so many jean jackets, leggings with shorts, scrunchies, and side pony tails. On Thursday I went on a field trip downtown with my History of Chicago class and the picture above is from when we were on a Wendella …
The Cup Song
I don't know about any of you, but I'm slightly obsessed with the cup song. Yes, you know what I'm talking about. It was in Pitch Perfect! (However, it was originally by Lulu and the Lampshades) And guess what... I'm actually relatively decent at doing it myself! I took a video, but the quality is horrible. Who knows, maybe one day I'll re-film it and upload it. As for now, rather than doing that and probably somehow embarrassing myself in the process, here are just a few of …
April ’13 Playlist
Spring is here at last and it's starting to feel like it in the weather as well... finally! Today I'm sharing a few of my favorite songs for the month of April. To listen to the full playlist on Spotify, just follow the link below. Happy listening and enjoy!Listen on SpotifyWhat are your top songs this month?xoxo …
Friday Five
1.This past week has been crazy! We've been having our second semester midterms in the last few days and after today I will be a fourth quarter senior. Wait... what?studying for my pre calc quarter testfrom my Instagram2.As I mentioned in one of my posts last week, I was looking for a prom dress... again. Luckily, this past weekend I found one! That's one less thing on my never-ending to do list to stress out about.3.I love Rihanna's song "Stay" and this cover by the PS22 Chorus …
Friday Five
1. I finally caved and downloaded the new Mumford and Sons album, Babel. Let me say, it is just plain fabulous! My favorite songs on the album are probably "I Will Wait," "Lover of the Light," "Reminder," & "Hopeless Wanderer." Buy on iTunes &/or Listen on Spotify 2. My graduation dress arrived last week from Lilly and I absolutely love it! I'm so excited to wear it in May, but at the same time it makes me realize just how fast this last bit of high school is flying by. 3. I …
Valentine’s Day Playlist ’13
It's that time of year again and Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. Today I decided to share a few of my favorite love songs to celebrate the upcoming occasion. I personally love Valentine's Day! Candy, hearts, flowers, and pink? Um.... yes please! To listen to the full playlist on Spotify follow the link below. Happy listening & stay sweet! ♡~Listen on Spotify~Do you have a favorite Valentine's Day song?xoxo, …
January ’13 Playlist
Today I'm sharing a few of my favorite songs for the month with you. These are the songs I find myself hitting the replay button on and just enjoying in general. To listen to the full playlist on Spotify, just follow the link below. Happy listening, enjoy!Listen on SpotifyWhat's your favorite song right now?xoxo, …
Bowtiful Life Holiday Playlist ’12
I'm currently in the middle of finals week and I've been listening to quite a lot of Christmas music while studying for my tests and during present-wrapping breaks. I always get really excited for the holidays and this year is no different. I find that listening to music you enjoy while doing something you don't necessarily feel like doing (for example, studying for finals) puts you in a better mood and makes whatever you're doing much more fun!I'm happy to share the first ever …