This school year is approaching faster and faster as each day passes. Five more days till move in!!! There's a lot of uncertainty, plenty that I'm worried about, and quite a lot to think about right now. I'm taking eighteen credit hours this semester which are mostly CORE (classes not directly related to my major, but are required to graduate), planning on maintaining a job, attempting to still have a social life (yikes), and continuing to post here on Bowtiful Life. From the outside …
Chipmunk Cheeks
Guess who got two of her wisdom teeth out on Monday? For the past few days I've been resting up, watching plenty of Netflix, and surviving on various soft foods and liquids (all while bearing resemblance to a chipmunk.) via I'm very ready to be back to my normal, non-chipmunk self and I'm almost 100% once again. Visiting with friends as well as FaceTiming with some of my out-of-state friends has helped tremendously. It has been such a blessing to have so many people checking in to see …
Wisdom Wednesday
via PinterestI think that today's quote helps remind us to take advantage of the many chances and opportunities we are given in our lives. You never know what the outcome could be, good or bad. I'd much rather know the result rather than wondering "what if?" for the rest of my life. Wouldn't you?I've been reflecting a lot on my high school experience during this week. I went on my school's "Letting Go" retreat yesterday and I'm graduating this Saturday! Through this thought …
Leap of Faith
I honestly can't believe that I'm entering into the last days of my high school career. My classmates and I have less than ten full days of school left! As cliche as I'm sure it sounds, this year has flown by in an blur. This blur has been full of good times, bad times, stressful times, rewarding times, smiles, laughter, and precious time spent with friends and family. Needless to say, my senior year has been filled with memories and friendships that I will treasure for the rest of my …
Wisdom Wednesday
viaIt's back! Wisdom Wednesday, where I share a fun or inspirational quote with all of you lovelies. I think that today's quote provokes such a thoughtful and encouraging way to look at living life. It really motivates me and I think I'm going to be hanging this in my room! This should be more than enough inspiration to push me through the rest of this week and I hope it gives you a little extra drive as well!xoxo, …
Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom
viaNever be afraid to stand up and do something no one else believe you can do. However, don't do it to spite them. Do it to fulfill your dreams and ambitions!These words ring true, but you can also never forget to show appreciation towards anyone who has ever shown you support in anything new or difficult you've tried to achieve in life. You owe them a lot. Be grateful for any encouragement you are given, regardless if it is asked for or simply given.Be BOLD & Be THANKFULxoxo, …
Friday Five
1. Words of Wisdom: "Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday." ~Dale Carnegie 2. In my head (and on Pinterest) I've started planning for my dorm. I'm already thinking about color schemes, monograms, dorm decor, storage, etc. 3. I just saw this video for the first time this week, it's the perfect little pep talk and it made my day! 4. I ordered my graduation dress this week. Am I rushing things?... Nah, but I'm still trying to ward off senioritis. It's not …